Atlas y Muestreos SEO Birdlife

by SEO/BirdLife



SEO/BirdLife application to carry out field work in the Atlas and Species Census programs from mobile or tablet.To be able to use this application if you already participate in some of the monitoring programs: Sacre, Sacin, Noctua, Aves and Clima ( you must use the same passwords. If you do not participate in any program, it is a matter of registering as a new user.This is an application to computerize the data from the Atlas and Census programs. It is a free application that allows you to take notes directly in the field with a specific methodology designed for the case of bird distribution atlases and censuses or sampling aimed at knowing bird populations, whether or not you have a connection to Internet.The programs available in this application and the information will depend on the atlases or censuses that are carried out annually.It allows:1. Carry out field work in a more comfortable and efficient way.2. Check your location at each sampling point or start of the route/transect. The route taken with the distance and time used.3. Register all the birds or individuals taking into account the methodology designed for each Atlas, census or sampling.4. Check the prospected areas in each of the activated programs.5. Send the collected information to SEO/BirdLife if you have an internet connection at the end of the work or save it to review it.